Mom of three crazy, wonderful, beautiful chaotic children.
I met my husband in 6th grade in Maryville Missouri. Well, I watched as he participated in a dance-off at one of our small town's middle school dances. He may or may not have been wearing a yellow Hawaiian shirt.
I worked at Disney World where 'Dreams Come True' and each interaction leaves with “Have a Magical Day!”
We lived in Italy for four years. My second little was born while overseas, and she traveled to 17 different countries before setting a foot on American soil when she was two and a half years old.
We moved to Oregon, having all our household goods shipped from Italy, without ever visiting the Pacific Northwest. We needed a forever home to raise our family and couldn’t be happier with Canby, Oregon.
"Actually, the best gift you could have given her was a lifetime of adventures" – Lewis Carroll
The best things in life are the people closest to us and experiences shared. Adventure is always a good idea, regardless if it's a day hike or a stamp in a passport. Top 3 favorite places are Italy, Thailand and the Philippians.
Magical elements and beautifully written characters are what makes my soul happy. Extra points for amazing female leads.
While always a Harry Potter fan, my latest obsession is The Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson. (Honestly, anything by Mr. Sanderson is brilliant!)